Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The New Blog

One of my New Year's resolutions in 2009 was to start a blog. I’ve decided to use this blog to journal my Christmas Trip and track the progress of one of my 2010 NY's resolutions –no TV in 2010! Why no TV? I’ve decided that I spend way too many hours of my life watching “the tube.” So!Goodbye Hiro,no more “MOVE THAT BUS” or “Pack your knives” or “You may leave the runway.”Will lack of TV hinder my conversations of pop culture, or have I seen enough Family Guy episodes to stay afloat? We’ll see!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with no TV. There's an excellent TV show series on the SelfHelp network starting in Jan that talks about not watching TV and how important it is. I'll send you the dates and times soon.

    I want Rocks!!! note where they're from and take a pic too if you can. Have fun and say hi to Alex for me.


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